Fyne Vintage 12
Bringing all the scale, power, and precision of the mighty Fyne Audio F1-12S to the Vintage Series’ timeless traditional design, the award-winning Vintage Twelve is as stunning to observe as it is to hear. From the deeply grained natural wood veneers wrapping the birch ply cabinets to the burr walnut inlays and sumptuous grilles with machined metal trim, choosing between the F1-12S and the Vintage 12 is purely down to traditional or contemporary personal tastes. The large cabinet construction integrates a proven 300mm (12”) IsoFlare driver with FyneFlute surround, Deep Cryogenically Treated crossovers and Fyne’s unique front-mounted Presence control. The lossless, pure analog dial is a bespoke work of art, perfectly weighted to exude the class and precision that defines the Vintage Series.

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