Marantz Model 50 Integrated amplifier
A lot of performance for the money. How did they pull this off? A new trend is emerging - Amplifiers are stripped bare, and only contain analog inputs. You only pay for what you need - anyway, that's the reasoning. The Model 50 fits in this mold.
This new Model 50 from Marantz is straight forward amplifier with six analog inputs including MM Phono. Marantz fans will love the design that harkens back to the original Saul Marantz gear, with simmetric layout of the controls around the trademark small round meter in the center. Marantz has put a ton of technology in this new Amplifier.
Audiohiles will be delighted with the high-current, dual-device amplifier in MODEL 50. By using two parallel output transistors per channel rather than one, MODEL 50 delivers substantially higher current to loudspeakers than previous models in this class. This technique results in sound that is more effortless, dynamic, and lifelike than models typically found in this price range.


What if you need a streamer?
The companion CD50n Streamer/DAC/CD transport is brilliant. It combines a streamer and CD transport in one neat chassis. Since you are already paying for a DAC and a streamer, adding CD costs next to nothing, and CDs are abundant. We are seeing a huge return to CD anyway - so it makes sense. click here for the CD50n