
The Guide is about the are the Pre-amps we love — and we think you will, too.

We’ve attempted to capture a moment in time when streaming came to be accepted — and a whole lot of boxes; a streamer, a DAC, a Pre-amp is starting to make place for intelligent one box solutions that are replacing all this nonsense and cables — these are the Pre-amps that we want to have and hold and use in our own systems right now.

If you own a Poweramp, or contemplate one, here is our list of recommended pre-amps.

Regular price $2,599.00
Regular price $7,499.00
Regular price $7,900.00
Regular price $15,500.00
Regular price $18,850.00
Regular price $21,000.00
Regular price $27,393.99
Regular price $31,850.00
Regular price $32,500.00